Virtually every democratic leader has declared Putin's invasion of Ukraine an unadulterated, unjustified attack of a tyrant against a free and independent country. They have declared that such aggression cannot stand, that might does not make right.
President Biden stated that "America stands up to bullies. America stands up for freedom."
Retired General Petreaus has called Putin's actions "An assault on democracy."
What is the response of the free democratic world to this naked aggression? To this violation of sacred sovereignty? How does America and its allies stand up to bullies? How do they stand up for freedom?
Apparently, by imposing some financial penalties. But not by meeting military aggression with military might.
The minute the Biden Administration and NATO made it clear that NATO would not use military means to defend Ukraine, they assured that Putin would move against Ukraine and, if not stopped, ultimately against other nations. His history bears this out. The history of dictatorial tyrants bears it out.
Why have America and its allies not stood up militarily for Ukraine. I have heard two reasons: 1) Americans and Europeans are tired of endless wars. 2) Ukraine is not part of NATO.
The answers: 1) Anyone who thinks allowing this invasion to proceed without a military counter by democracies will prevent future fighting that will involve the U.S. and NATO is living in a fantasy land. They obviously do not read history.