We're getting clobbered here. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and whoever else in Gaza who loves violence over peace are hammering Israel. Not just the border communities that have been terrorized by these barrages for years. People in cities and towns across Israel's south are running for cover.
Not one of the over 400 missiles heading toward Israel are targeting military installations. Every single one of the rockets fired at Israel are intended to kill and maim civilians. The fact that only three civilians have been killed is due to Israeli defense actions, civilians taking cover, and luck.
I receive e-mail headline alerts from the NY Times. The alert I woke up to this morning from the august paper of record that publishes "All the News That's Fit to Print," the paper that publishes op-ed after op-ed bashing Israel, the paper that prints a myriad of articles and essays examining every wart Israel has from every angle, the paper that publishes cartoons that would have made Joseph Goebbels proud? Here it is:
"BREAKING NEWS: Maximum Security, the only undefeated horse in the field, won the Kentucky Derby to keep his streak intact at a fraught time for horse racing."
But the Times never gives up in its efforts to get it right, to cover the most important stories, to keep on focusing on those areas on which it has focused incessantly. So, 28 minutes later I get more of all the news that's fit to print:
"BREAKING NEWS: In a stunning reversal, Maximum Security was disqualified from the Kentucky Derby. Country House a 65-1 long shot, was named the winner."
The Times is particularly irritating, and given its years of biased, inordinate focus on every blemish that Israel has, it's satisfying to point out its failure to prioritize the events here in Israel over Country House's dumb luck.
One also feels compelled to note the irony, in this particular circumstance, of the name of the horse who got knocked out for, apparently, sliding into another horse after jumping over a puddle: Maximum Security.