All decent people mourn the death and destruction caused by
the terrorists in Friday’s attacks in Paris.
French President Hollande has identified the attackers as ISIS. These are truly evil people.
The Washington Post of Nov. 13 reports: 'According to reports, Hollande declared
there that France was "going to lead a war," presumably against
Islamist militants. He said his country's response would be
"ruthless."' President Obama
and other world leaders are offering their full sympathy and support.
This is in sharp contrast to the response when Israelis and
Jews are the victims of terror. I am
waiting for the U.S. State Department, the UN, and the EU to call on all parties
to "exercise restraint" to end "the cycle of violence," to
not use “excessive force” in responding, and to not use “disproportionate
This is their usual mantra when Jews are killed in Israel
and the territories due to terror. Are
Jewish lives worth less than the lives lost in the terrible attack in
France? Does not the murder of Jews by
terrorists deserve the same response that Pres. Hollande now calls for?
When the Western world advocates a different response to
terror by Palestinians because it somehow believes the Palestinians' alleged
grievances are credible, or because the victims are Israelis or Jews, it gives
a green light to terror elsewhere. In ISIS' thinking, its grievances are every
bit as legitimate as those of the Palestinians, if not more so.
If terror is
justified or excused, or if the victims are admonished to limit their response
because of the alleged legitimacy of the attackers' grievance, terror becomes a
legitimate tool for any allegedly aggrieved party.
Trying to pick and choose when terror is a legitimate tool
is counterproductive and self-defeating.
Excusing it or trying to mitigate the victims' response when the victims
are Jews but not in other instances, demonstrates bigotry and immorality.
(Originally published in The Times of Israel)
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